Alternative Milks Explained

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As we enter 2021, you may be look for ways to become healthier and some may even be taking part in Veganuary - the 31 day challenge of going vegan. So if you’re looking for a means of getting the best of both worlds, you may want to try switching to alternative milks.

But what exactly are alternative milks and which ones are the best for you? Let’s go through each option to help you decide which one you might want to try.

Oat Milk

One of the most popular alternative milks within the coffee community, with a delicious creamy taste! Made by blending water and oats, and then straining out the liquid it’s a fantastic and naturally sweet alternative as it is low in protein and contains no saturated fat - giving you your essential vitamins and minerals.

You can see all the listed out health benefits of this vegan friendly milk ​here​.

Soya Milk

Soya milk is made by soaking and grinding soy beans. The beans are typically soaked overnight, their skins are then removed before being blended with water and strained. The remaining liquid or ‘milk’ is then heated before being cooled and stored, after which it is ready to consume - becoming soya milk!

Soya milk is rich in fibre which has a considerable effect on the BMI and good cholesterol levels - perfect for those looking to burn off those Christmas pounds! It also makes for an excellent post-workout drink, if you’re also getting back to the gym as a New Year’s resolution.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk comes from the white flesh of mature brown coconuts. The texture is similar to skimmed milk, which can be a plus when it comes making lattes. We personally think it goes perfectly with a Cafe2U hot chocolate!

Coconut milk is highly rich in fibre and is perfect for those that are lactose intolerant - as it’s lactose-free! BBC Good Food has the perfect guide to all its nutritional information and included some recipes you can incorporate coconut milk into! Take a read ​here​.

Almond Milk

Lastly, almond milk is one of the most popular nut-based milk alternatives for coffee. Almond milk is made by blending almonds with water and then straining the mixture to remove the solids. You can also make it by adding water to almond butter.

It ticks all the boxes for being healthy, low in calories and is lactose and dairy free! Usually, extra nutrients such as calcium, riboflavin, vitamin E and vitamin D are added to it to boost its nutritional content.

Cafe2U is Here to Help

If you’re looking to make these health and diet changes this 2021 then Cafe2U is here to help you!

Our vans are stacked with alternative milks and wonderful coffees! Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or just trying to make a change, our range is suitable for everyone!

Get in contact with your ​local barista​ today to find out more!