Benefits Coffee Brings to The Workplace


Having poor workplace morale is very detrimental to a business, it can see staff become less creative, unenthusiastic and overall productivity can decline. There are many ways businesses can keep high spirits – good business management, praising the employees and rewarding your staff when necessary. Coffee can also play a part – here are three important ways coffee can make the difference.

On the house

Almost all businesses offer perks to their staff and look for creative and different ways to do this. Perks are often designed as ways to make staff feel wanted and appreciated. Offering high-quality coffee is an excellent way for a company to display appreciation toward its employees. Coffee is already known to increase energy levels, contain strong antioxidants and is believed to make you more focused and alert.

Improving staff relationships

Coffee breaks, water breaks and lunch breaks are the perfect time for staff to interact and form close relationships. Enjoying a coffee break can be the perfect fuel for employees to improve the social atmosphere, and it can be excellent time for breaking in new staff, helping them settle in and make that employee feel more comfortable at their workplace. It may seem outlandish but coffee can be a basic tool for staff to connect and bond.

Giving employees a chance to unwind

When you are working, having a break is essential, even if it’s just 15 minutes. It’s well known how important it is to take that step back from a computer screen and ensure that you have a rest. Taking a trip to the coffee van can be the perfect remedy to help an employee restart their day! Ensuring that you staff have enjoyable breaks can help increase productivity.

At Cafe2U we see and value the importance of coffee at the workplace. Cafe2U serves customers great tasting espresso based coffees, plus complimentary snacks and food, every day of the week.  We visit workplaces every day of the working week, from the south coast of England to the north of Scotland – plus Wales & Northern Ireland too.