Franchising Resolutions For 2023

Resolutions are for the whole year, not just January, so we've compiled five top franchising tips for you to stick to in 2023 in order to take your business to the next level.

Become as sustainable as possible

Climate change awareness is higher than ever, so it's imperative for your franchise to reduce its carbon footprint to become as sustainable as possible without delay. With consumers increasingly unlikely to deal with any company that isn't overtly environmentally friendly, ensuring your franchise is as sustainable as possible has become non-negotiable if you want it to succeed.

While sustainability has rightly been a buzzword for franchises for many years already, 2023 could well be the year when record numbers of businesses become greener than ever, with shifts towards going paper-free by digitising records, using recycled/recyclable/reusable products and materials wherever possible and installing long-lasting LED light bulbs among the most common initiatives.

At Cafe2U, our zero-emission electric vans are helping us on our way to becoming the UK's first carbon neutral coffee company.

Get out and about

This might sound obvious for a mobile business but in order to increase the profitability of your franchise, it's worth getting off the beaten track every once in a while.

Every Cafe2U franchisee has an exclusive territory in which to operate but, no matter how well they know the area, untapped opportunities can often be found within it. If there's a good-sized park or sports field in your vicinity, find out if any upcoming events are taking place there as these will often provide you with an excellent opportunity to make new customers.

Freshen up your offering

It's no secret that customers quickly become bored if a franchise's product offering stays exactly the same every day. That's why it's so important to occasionally add new items to your menu to complement your perennial best-sellers to keep regular customers interested and attract new business.

Keep an eye out for opportunities like Easter, Halloween etc and offer products themed around them when the time comes. Our sweet and warming S'more mochas always go down a treat around Bonfire Night!

Plan for upcoming seasonal events

Do your research to make sure you're always prepared for any national holidays or awareness days that are just around the corner and can be targeted by your franchise. Bank Holidays are an obvious example as they can provide multiple catering opportunities for your franchise.

What this means is that you should be promoting your services now - whether it’s in person or online - to try and get some bookings in the diary. A simple Google search will also bring up a list of other relevant dates for you to note down and target. 

Ensure you're making the most of social media

It's one thing to be on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but if you're not posting regularly and using them to interact with customers, you're missing a trick!

As well as allowing you to let people know when you'll be out and about - and where you'll be - social media also allows you to advertise any new drinks or snacks you're offering, answer customers' questions and build strong relationships with consumers.

Franchising opportunities with Cafe2U

If you're interested in changing careers or becoming your own boss, franchising is one of the most risk-free ways of doing so.

All our franchisees receive all the training and support they need to help make their business a success. If you're interested in investing in a Cafe2U franchise, click here for more information.