How Coffee can Help Improve your Fitness

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As we head into 2021, many will be wanting to burn off those Christmas calories. Well there’s no need for any pre-workout or supplements, coffee can do the trick! 

Below we’ve explained some of the ways that coffee can improve your fitness, physical performance and help you recover - using the science of course!

Be sure you take a look at our alternative milks blog as well, if you’re looking for a change in diet alongside your fitness goals.

What Exactly can Coffee do to the Body?

Coffee, when consumed before exercise, can cause fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen. Also, drinking highly concentrated caffeine in a short black coffee without the dilution of milk will increase your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories throughout the day.  

When Should you Drink Coffee before a Workout?

Not too long after you finish that cup, is what research has shown!

If you’re looking to begin your run or home workout when your caffeine boost is at its most powerful, you’re going to want to consume that caffeine goodness around 45 minutes before you start to exercise. 

The peak concentration of caffeine in the bloodstream occurs around 45 minutes after drinking. From that point forward, your body is burning through the caffeine, lessening its effects. So if you hit the weights you’re going to be experiencing the peak of your caffeine buzz before your body has had time to process that coffee.

Make sure that you don’t exceed your 400mg of caffeine allowance during the day though, so if you are having a coffee before make sure it’s in moderation.

It can Decrease muscle Pain

Post workout pain, known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), can be very painful for the following few days after a tough workout. 

In a study to be published in the issue of The Journal of Pain, a team of University of Georgia researchers finds that moderate doses of caffeine, roughly equivalent to two cups of coffee, cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48 percent in a small sample of volunteers.

So next time you feel sore, get some Cafe2U coffee down you and you should be back on the mend and raring to go!

It can Help Your Performance

Caffeine can increase adrenaline levels and release fatty acids from your fat tissues. It also leads to significant improvements in physical performance.

As we previously mentioned in our health benefits of coffee blog, coffee has numerous positive effects from concentration, endurance and increasing metabolism and burning fat. 

This article from Very Well Fit summarises all the physical benefits from coffee into six solid points. 

How Cafe2U can Help

With our new 2021 drinks range, you can use us as your coffee hub - as you get back to full fitness! 

Speak to your local barista and they will be able to provide you with our full menu, they can also provide you with alternative milks if you’re looking to go dairy free this year. Let us know what changes you will be trying to make in 2021 and let us know your workout routines!