How to Create the Perfect Picnic

Summertime and al fresco dining go hand-in-hand so, if you're the sort of person that enjoys eating outdoors, you'll be delighted to hear that National Picnic Month takes place from July 1st - 31st. 

A celebration of grabbing a blanket, friends, family, food and drink and heading to your nearest open space, picnics are the perfect way to enjoy lunch, while away a lazy afternoon or unwind after work. And with a whole month's worth of opportunities officially ahead of us, the time to start planning your perfect picnic is right now! Here's how to do it.

Food and drink

The most important part of any picnic is, of course, the food and drink, and the trick with both is to keep things simple. Sandwiches, pork pies, sausage rolls and flapjacks are all picnic staples because they're small, simple and tasty but you can take whatever you fancy. This article from Sainsbury's has lots of great recipe ideas if you fancy making your food instead of buying it.

When it comes to drinks, it's a good idea to take both hot and cold options. Water, fruit squash and lemonade are all safe bets, while coffee, tea and hot chocolate can be easily made ahead of time and kept warm in thermoses. 

Alternatively, if you want fresh, barista-quality coffee at your picnic, get in touch with your nearest Cafe2U van here and let us bring some straight to your blanket!

Transport food in jars

Utilising sturdy Mason jars to keep your food in will prevent spillages and make moving food between cars and blankets a doddle. Salads, sides, condiments and even desserts all work brilliantly.

Don't forget a chopping board

Especially useful when kids are present, chopping boards always come in handy on picnics, both for cutting food into smaller portions and for using as a serving tray. Just remember to also pack wipes or paper towels so you can clean it afterwards.

Take utensils

Sounds obvious but many a good picnic has been spoiled by a lack of forks or spoons, so remember to take plenty of everything, including napkins. To stop anything ending up on the ground, a vase or milk bottle makes a handy utensil holder.

Pick a good spot

Each to their own, of course, but anywhere green, scenic and with natural shade that's also not too close to traffic is ideal. If you're picnicking with children, make sure there's plenty of open space for them to play in too.

Check the weather forecast

Nothing ruins a picnic like a sudden downpour so check the weather forecast before setting a date. If there's only one day you and your friends/family are free and the forecast looks wet, pack umbrellas, parasols or even a tent or two and you'll still be able to have fun.

Pack a good blanket

It's not a picnic without a blanket and while any will do, try and find one that provides cushioning, is easy to clean, waterproof and can be machine washed in case of any major spillages.

Take some pillows

Chuck a few throw pillows in the boot of your car et voila - comfy and easily transportable seating for you and your friends.

Clean up when you're finished

Nobody likes litter - or litterers - so take a couple of bin bags with you, chuck all your rubbish in them before you leave and place them in public bins or take them with you to dispose of when you get home.

No coffee, no picnic!

We've been looking forward to National Picnic Month 2022 for a while now and we expect we'll be making plenty of trips to parks and fields across the UK over the coming weeks. Contact us here if you'd like us to take care of your picnic's coffee requirements - we can't wait to see you all!