
Setting Your Franchise Up For Success.

The Paris Olympics are in full swing and, with Team GB currently sitting a respectable sixth in the medal table, we've taken a look at what we can learn from its sporting success and how it can be applied to our business to ensure we stay ahead of the competition.


If you've listened to the winning Olympians' post-event interviews, you will have noticed that almost all of them emphasise the importance of teamwork, with their coaches, trainers, nutritionists and families often receiving special praise. What you won't have heard is an athlete claiming their success was down to them and them alone.

At Cafe2U, we know that, just like athletes, our franchisees can't succeed without support, so, in addition to providing them with a support network to cheer them on, coach them and challenge them, we also provide them with a comprehensive four-week training course to ensure they have the skills necessary to hit the road as a qualified mobile coffee business owner. From barista training to business processes training, our Franchise Development Managers are always there to help our franchisees reach the top of the coffee podium.


Just like athletes need to believe in their own abilities, entrepreneurs must be bullish about their chances of becoming the best. At Cafe2U, we assess potential franchisees to ensure our business is right for them, so when they start up their mobile coffee business, they can be confident that we have faith in them and will be there to cheer them on, no matter what.


Why do athletes limit their calorie intakes and put their bodies through stress, pain and the risk of injury? Why are they constantly looking for ways to improve performance? Because they're passionate about what they do and they want to be the best at it.

The same is true of successful entrepreneurs. Setting up your own business is hard, stressful and demanding, and inevitably involves encountering obstacles. If you're not passionate about the thing you do, you won't be motivated to overcome those obstacles and you'll fail.

Fortunately, many people are incredibly passionate about coffee, including us. From our unique blend, which is sourced from some of the finest growing regions in the world and roasted by small batch coffee roasters, to the expertise provided by our barista trainer, passion goes into every cup of coffee you'll sell. 

Practice, evolve, improve.

In addition to determination, drive and focus, practice is the most important weapon in an athlete's armour, and the same is true of Cafe2U franchisees. 

Practice enables you to learn and expand your skill set, two abilities that are vital for any successful businessperson. Cafe2U has been on the road for more than 20 years and, although we know the coffee industry like the back of our hand, we're constantly creating new avenues for growth and keeping up to date with new trends so we can ensure our franchisees have the latest equipment and are familiar with any new changes in the industry. Our weekly newsletter also communicates new insights to our franchisees that help boost their bottom lines, whether it's news about new discounts that have been negotiated or ways to source weekend events. 

We believe there's no finishing line when it comes to improvement.

If you’re thinking about becoming a Cafe2U franchisee, find out more about the process here.