
National Picnic Month.

With summer now under way (allegedly…) and National Picnic Month now upon us too, it's time to start making plans for that most British of summer traditions - going to a green open space to eat lunch outdoors, on a blanket!

But what constitutes the perfect picnic experience and how can you make sure yours is as enjoyable as possible? We take a look.

Food and drink.

Food and drink is central to any picnic and the key thing to remember here is: keep it simple. Classic selections like sausage rolls, pork pies, Scotch eggs, sandwiches and pre-made salads should form the basis of your picnic - along with sweet treats like chocolate rolls or Viennese Whirls - as all are tasty, small, inexpensive and/or easy to make. 

They're also easily transportable in picnic baskets, tupperware boxes or Mason jars, all of which will also help keep spillages to a minimum.

Simplicity is key when it comes to drinks too. Don't be tempted to take multiple exotic ingredients so you can make your own cocktails; instead, stick to a small selection of cordials, plenty of water and a fizzy option like lemonade or ginger ale. Unless you know for sure the weather is going to be hot, it's worth taking a thermos or two of tea or hot chocolate as well.

If you want to take coffee with you on your picnic - and who wouldn't? - the best way to ensure you have a wide selection of barista-quality brews available is to contact your nearest Cafe2U van here and let us bring some straight to your blanket!

Keep an eye on the weather.

Although the UK's weather is always susceptible to changing at the drop of a hat, there's no excuse for not checking the forecast in the lead up to your picnic so that you can at least try to plan accordingly.

If there's a chance of rain, take umbrellas and waterproofs; if it's going to be hot, don't forget the sunblock and wide-brimmed hats!

Take cushions and pillows.

There's no need to lug heavy tables and chairs around on a picnic - simply chuck some throw pillows and old cushions in your car boot and you'll be able to fashion everyone a spot where they can relax comfortably in no time.

Don't forget utensils.

Many picnics have come undone due to a lack of cutlery, so remember to take plenty of everything, including napkins. You could even take an old plant pot, vase, jug or small bucket to use as a practical utensil holder!

Remember to take a chopping board.

Especially useful when kids are present, chopping boards are as great for cutting food on as they are for serving food off. Just remember to also pack wipes or paper towels so you can clean it afterwards!

Pick a good spot.

Picnics should be relaxing so do some research before heading off and try to find a green location that has plenty of shade and isn't right next to a busy road. If you'll have kids with you, choosing somewhere with plenty of open space or that is close to a play area is a good idea too.

Clean up when you're finished.

Nobody likes litter - or litterers - so take a couple of bin bags with you, chuck all your rubbish in them before you leave and place them in public bins or take them with you to dispose of when you get home.

No coffee, no picnic!
If you'd like us to take care of your picnic's coffee requirements, you can contact us here.