
5 Common Mistakes When Brewing Coffee at Home

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Millions of people brew coffee at home as part of their daily routine - especially when they can’t get to their nearest Cafe2U van.

However, it turns out a lot of us are making basic mistakes when preparing our beloved cups of the good stuff.

Here are five of the most common examples of these errors that we’ve looked to help you correct using our coffee expertise.

#1 Not Measuring your Coffee Correctly

Most of us haphazardly put a few spoonfuls of coffee in a mug, pour in our hot water and hope for the best.

Sure, it’s quick and easy, but for best results, you should measure out your coffee first.

We train each and every one of our Cafe2U baristas to weigh each coffee to one-tenth of a gram out of the grinder and time each shot to second, for a perfect coffee every time.

#2 Not having the Right Tools

Having good coffee making equipment is essential - it can be the difference between a bad coffee and a great coffee. You should also clean your coffee brewing equipment regularly to keep it in good working order.

At Cafe2U our experienced baristas have the best possible coffee making tools at their disposal - making us the best option for gourmet coffee on the road or to your door.

#3 Not Taking Enough Time

Making the perfect coffee can mean waiting the right amount of time to ensure the blend is perfectly brewed - but unfortunately a lot of us tend to rush this and end up with a weak cuppa.

Ultimately, it’s a lot easier to use our socially distanced service! So why rush, when we can bring freshly-brewed, barista-made coffee straight to your door? Find your nearest barista here.

#4 Using Stale Beans

Ideally, you want to use beans that have been roasted in the last 3 weeks - but you probably aren’t roasting your own beans at home. At Cafe2U, we only use 100% traceable, grade 1 beans from some of the best micro-lots in the world. Find out more about our beans here.

#5 Not Using the Right Cup

This might not seem like a big deal, but the cup you use can make a big difference. The shape and size of your mug or cup can intensify the flavours and aromas - and of course affect how long the coffee stays warm.

Your run of the mill comedy mug probably isn’t cutting it either. So why not pick up one of our Cafe2U reusable KeepCup cups from one of our baristas.

Becoming a Barista

If you already think you can make a decent coffee but want to take your passion to the next level, why not train to become one of our franchise baristas? To learn more about Cafe2U coffee, baristas and our great franchising opportunities, simply follow this link.