
Top Bakes For National Vegetarian Week 2023

Designed to highlight to the wider public the benefits and pleasures of a meat-free diet, National Vegetarian Week has become one of the most eagerly anticipated awareness weeks of the year.

And that should really come as no surprise. Because vegetables are so versatile, they can be used in all kinds of recipes, both sweet and savoury and, as a result, National Vegetarian Week is now enjoyed by more people than ever, from lifelong veg fanatics to dyed-in-the-wool carnivores.

With that in mind, we've decided to share a few of our favourite veggie bakes for you to try at home. And, best of all, they all go great with a fresh brew!

Carrot cake porridge

No, that isn't a typo! Carrot cake, while delicious, is old news. Carrot cake porridge is the future!


To make three bowls of carrot cake porridge, you will need:

  • 2 small carrots, peeled and grated

  • 180g porridge oats

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • grating of fresh nutmeg

  • 75g raisins

  • 850ml milk

Simply put all the ingredients in a pan and cook over a medium heat for 10-15 mins, stirring often, until the oats and carrots are soft and the porridge is creamy. If your porridge looks too thick during cooking, add a little more milk. 

Serve hot with an espresso for a flavourful and fun way to start your day.

Potato and cheese muffins

This fabulous recipe is quick and easy to make and doubles as an excellent way to use up leftovers.


To make 12 muffins, you will need:

  • 750g mashed potatoes

  • one large egg

  • 250g cheddar cheese, grated

  • three tbsp chopped chives

Begin by making mashed potatoes using your preferred method. If you're new to the world of mash, this recipe is a great place to start (although you'll only need half the amount of potatoes for this muffin recipe). 

Next, preheat your oven to 190C/170C fan, then grease a non-stick muffin pan with a little butter.

Stir the mashed potatoes, egg, ¾ of the cheddar cheese and two tbsp chopped chives together in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, then divide the mixture evenly into the prepared muffin pan, packing the potatoes down into each cup.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until golden brown and crisp around the edges, then remove the pan from the oven, top the muffins with the remaining cheese and return to the oven for three more minutes. 

Once ready, allow the muffins to cool, then transfer to a serving dish, top with the remaining chives and serve immediately. Serve with a black coffee to perfectly complement the creaminess of the potatoes and cheese.

Courgette, lemon and thyme cake

This summer-y sensation is fragrant, light and well worth the effort!


To make a courgette, lemon and thyme cake, you will need: 

  • 350g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature, plus extra for greasing

  • 350g golden caster sugar

  • zest 2 unwaxed lemons

  • 6 large eggs

  • 400g self-raising flour

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 4 courgettes (about 600g), coarsely grated

  • 2 tbsp chopped thyme leaves

For the icing, you will need:

  • 250g mascarpone

  • 250g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature

  • zest 2 unwaxed lemons

  • 900g icing sugar

For the crystallised thyme, you will need: 

  • 50g golden caster sugar

  • 12 thyme sprigs (use a combination of thinner and thicker sprigs)

  • 1 egg white, lightly beaten

For the candied lemon slices, you will need:

  • 200g golden caster sugar

  • 2 unwaxed lemons, thinly sliced into rounds

Begin by making the decorations. For the crystallised thyme, put the sugar on a plate, brush the thyme with the egg white, then roll in the sugar. Shake off some of the excess, then leave the sprigs on a piece of baking paper to dry.

For the candied lemon slices, tip the sugar into a saucepan with 200ml water. Heat gently to dissolve the sugar, then bring the syrup to the boil. Drop in the lemon slices and cook for 15 mins until softened. Carefully remove the slices from the syrup and place on a piece of baking paper to dry. Keep the remaining syrup for brushing over the cake.

Next, heat your oven to 180C/160 fan/gas 4. Grease and line the bases of two 20cm springform cake tins. Make the four sponges in two batches. To make the first batch, in a large bowl, use a whisk to beat 175g butter with 175g sugar and the zest of 1 lemon until creamy. Then, gently beat three of the eggs together in a jug. Gradually add the egg to the mixture, scraping down the side and whisking well after each addition. In a separate bowl, mix together 200g self-raising flour, 1 tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt, and fold this into the cake mixture. Finally, stir in 300g courgette and 1 tbsp thyme leaves. Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 25 mins.

While the sponges are still warm, prick all over with a skewer and brush over some of the reserved lemon syrup. Once cool enough to handle, remove from the tins and place on a wire rack. Make and cook the second batch of cakes using the remaining ingredients.

When the cakes are cool, make the icing. Whisk all the ingredients together with a pinch of salt until smooth and fluffy.

Next, sandwich the cakes together with a little of the icing. Using a palette knife, spread a thin layer of icing all around the cake and chill for 30 mins to set. Once chilled, completely cover the cake in a second layer of icing to achieve a smooth finish. Decorate with the crystallised thyme and candied lemon slices, then return to the fridge until the icing has completely set. 

Serve with a cappuccino or latte for the ultimate sweet, veg-fuelled elevenses treat!

Enjoy National Vegetarian Week with Cafe2U

We're committed food and drink fans at Cafe2U and these vegetable-based bakes are easily among our favourite snacks to enjoy with a cup of good coffee.

To make the most of National Vegetarian Week 2023 wherever you are, get in touch with your nearest Cafe2U van here and let us bring some of our top-quality coffee straight to your door.

Sustainability and the Coffee Industry

Taking place once a year, National Vegetarian Week encourages the public to switch to a vegetarian diet for a week in order to reduce carbon emissions, protect endangered wildlife and increase awareness of the benefits and pleasures of a meat-free lifestyle.

As our beloved coffee beans are already vegetarian-friendly, you might be wondering what this has to do with Cafe2U. What you might not be aware of are the steps we've taken to reduce our impact on the environment so, inspired by National Vegetarian Week, we've decided to round-up some of the ways in which we've made our business as sustainable as possible.

Offering customers sustainable products

To help alleviate the problem of disposable coffee cups, we offer our customers reusable Keep Cups. It is estimated that over 600 billion disposable cups are used and discarded to landfill globally every year. By using long-lasting cups which are made from durable, environmentally friendly materials, we're helping reduce the number of paper cups being used by the coffee industry.

We've also stopped using disposable paper cups altogether and replaced them with fully compostable cups instead. As well as requiring less carbon to produce, compostable cups reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and don't produce toxins when they break down, significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. We've replaced all our plastic straws with biodegradable paper alternatives too.


As well as offering a paper cup recycling scheme for customers who still use disposable cups, we've also launched a coffee grounds recycling initiative to counteract the 1.8 million tonnes of carbon emissions which are generated by the 500,000 tonnes of coffee waste disposed of in the UK every year. The initiative sees waste coffee grounds being recycled into bio-fuel pellets to power bio-mass boilers, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Going digital

In the last few years, we started doing away with paper. All files at head office have now been completely digitised and we've done away with traditional loyalty cards and physical pamphlets in favour of an app which allows our customers to receive news, offers and updates digitally instead, massively reducing the amount of paper we use.

Our partners and suppliers

We recently switched to an ethical and sustainable sandwich manufacturer to increase the range of products available to our customers. Real Wrap Co is the first food-to-go manufacturer in the world to achieve certified carbon negative status, meaning it removes more carbon from the atmosphere than it generates. It does this by supplying sandwiches in sustainable packaging which is plastic-free, 100% recyclable and sends zero waste to landfill.

We also have a long-standing partnership with a multi-certified ethical coffee roaster which uses traditional harvesting methods and cultivates long term relationships with its producers, buying from them year after year and paying sustainable prices significantly higher than the Fair Trade minimum.

Our vans

The most important sustainable change we've made in the last few years has been to our fleet of nearly 100 vans. First, we replaced their diesel generators with lithium-ion batteries, immediately reducing our emissions from in-van generators to zero. 

Then, in August 2021, we launched an all-new fleet of emission-free electric vehicles. By switching from petrol powered to electric vans, we expect to reduce our CO² emissions by a staggering 12,672g CO²/km per annum over time.

In addition to boasting zero emissions, the new vehicles are also silent, helping to combat noise pollution, and feature fewer moving parts and more effective brakes, meaning fewer replacement parts need manufacturing, reducing greenhouse gas emissions further still.

What plans do you have?

We're always looking for new ways to reduce our carbon footprint so we think National Vegetarian Week is a great idea and one we're firmly behind. If you're planning to go meat-free this week or have any other great sustainable ideas, let us know on our social media channels!