Weird and Wonderful Coffee Stories


Coffee has been around for such a long time that almost everyone knows a little something about it - that it (probably) originated in Ethiopia, that it's the most traded commodity in the world apart from crude oil, that it keeps you alert and so on.

But with such a long history, you'd think everything there is to know about coffee would already be common knowledge.

Not so. The story of the world's most popular drink has more than its fair share of unusual chapters and we're going to take a look at some of them here.

People will go to great lengths to make the tastiest coffee

Typically, coffee is prepared by grinding coffee beans which then have hot water poured over them. Typically, but not always... 

One of the most expensive and sought after coffees in the world is Black Ivory Coffee from Thailand, which sells for as much as $1,100 per kilogram and $50 per cup in some establishments. But why is it so expensive? Because it's made from elephant dung, of course!

Yes, believe it or not, the coffee's incredible taste is the result of feeding coffee beans to elephants, then recovering them from the elephants' dung once they've been 'processed'. The elephants' digestive juices fermenting the berries is what gives the coffee its delicious taste and, we're not going to lie, we'd definitely try a cup. Probably best not to try this one at home though.

Fantastic filters

Until roughly 100 years ago, if you were lucky, your coffee filters were made of cloth; if you were unlucky, you made use of whatever was to hand, such as a sock. However, even if you could afford cloth filters, they had a tendency to over-brew the coffee and make it taste bitter, so a new solution was required.

Enter Melitta Benz, a German homemaker. Fed up with disappointing coffee, she took a page from her son's school book and filtered her morning brew through it. Delighted with the results, Melitta patented her invention and the paper coffee filter brewing system was born.

The Catholic church had to stop coffee being outlawed

It wasn't just alcoholic drinks that used to be prohibited - in the 16th century, coffee was banned in Europe.

The drink first reached European shores - Venice, Italy, to be precise - from Arabia. European travellers were already aware of coffee and described it as mysterious and intoxicating, which resulted in European Catholics, who were wary of the drink's perceived Muslim background, decrying it as 'the bitter invention of Satan' and having it outlawed.

Luckily, Pope Clement VIII was on hand to calm the situation down and decided to sample a cup for himself. On tasting it, he proclaimed that it was a Christian as well as a Muslim drink and that it would be a sin to let only pagans enjoy it. Following the Pope's approval, coffee began to spread across Europe and the rest, as they say, is history.

Top quality, convenient coffee

At Cafe2U, we love making coffee. And while you're welcome to sift through elephant poop to make coffee which needs to be filtered through a sock and/or risk being banned by the church, we think contacting your nearest Cafe2U mobile barista here and buying a coffee from them is much easier.